Brand Strategy

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RKS logo small
“…It’s about how the design or experience makes you feel about yourself.”

– Ravi Sawhney, Founder

About RKS

As a global human-centered brand strategy firm and branding design company, we use a quantitative and qualitative approach to connecting brands with customers. Whether creating new brands or creating the strategy for ones, we assist at all stages of creating and implementing brand and brand strategy. Our cross-disciplinary specialists, researchers, designers, and engineers leverage their deep experience within multiple industries and technologies to spark creative and innovative solutions. In a highly competitive market, where consumers have choices and make decisions with the click of a button, brands are signal in the noise. In 2023, RKS brings decades of experience consulting with clients to create brand identity, as well as brands and branding, which together are the synergistic trio of brand strategy.

RKS Design Logo Product Design
Year of Experience
1 +
1 +
Brand Identities
1 +
Clients that have moved with us

Research for Brand Strategy

We use human-centered methods to research and understand the psychological needs of consumer to develop strong emotion connections

Research helps to get deeper into the preferences and psychology of a brand’s target audience. Done well, research at the beginning of the process usually means steps later in the process can move forward more quickly. Psycho Aesthetics (P/A) is our unique approach to design thinking. Over the decades spent developing and evolving P/A, it has continuously progressed into a highly advanced design-thinking tool and framework that allows designers to create a shared objective, pragmatic, and insightful approaches to everything from research and design to name development, mission, and vision statements, and more.

Brand Research Services

Emotional Understanding

Ultimately, brands informed by user research are more durable, better targeted, and financially successful. A strong and lovable brand can be a major asset that can ensure continuous growth, encourage user consistency, increase demand, and create a competitive advantage. Emotional connection is created through a deep understanding of the needs and wants of customers. Our research is used to generate qualitative and quantitative insights into consumers, their needs, their aspirations, their challenges, how they work, how they live, how they play, and the interior and social architecture of their lives.


Ethnographic research is a cornerstone of our advanced design thinking methodology, Psycho-Aesthetics®. Ethnographic research is a qualitative method where our researchers observe and interact with potential consumers in their real-life environment. We routinely go into the field to observe consumers in a broad range of contexts, from homes to hobbies to their offices. When we can’t be there physically, we use current and emerging technology to gather and analyze data.

Persona Development

Our research often results in persona creation, which informs the creative elements of a brand. This critical step of research is the foundation of the branding process. Before designers start working on any visible part, they need to identify the character of the customer, company, and product they want to present. Designing a brand without this knowledge won’t have the emotional connection required to work. This emotional connection cuts deeply into the primary motivations and psychologies of the target customers.

Market Insights

An essential part of making a brand work for a business is market context. A brand must respond to the needs of the market in the context of existing brands and messaging. We work with our clients to understand their business and the market forces that dominate their industry. We then use P/A to synthesize our understanding into visual tools all stakeholders can understand.


In office analyzer solution that will transform the future of women’s health.

Branding Design

Our human-centered approach to branding design uses our research to develop critical branding elements

A brand has to fit both the company and the customers that the company and its products serve. At its core, a brand is a unique design, sign, symbol, words, or a combination of these employed in creating an image that identifies a product and differentiates it from its competitors. Powerful branding depends not only on the aesthetic features of brand elements but on the details such as the message and emotional appeal behind it.  To create true brand identity, designers need to get deep into the details of business goals as well as do research on the market and its target audience.

Branding Design Services

Logo Design

A logo is the basic mark of brand identity, the most prominent symbol of brand image, and the foundation of effective marketing strategy enabling its connection with the target audience. The best logos combine typography, symbolism, and color into a concise and emotionally resonant marking. There are multiple steps in logo design, including user research, marketing research, creative search, choice of style direction, choice of color palette, testing in different sizes and environments, creating a style guide setting right and wrong cases of logo use.

Visual Elements

Visual elements are a way to personalize a brand beyond a logo. These visual elements include typography, color, and symbols. Typography is the sum of fonts, sizes, and ways text is used in the brand. We choose a combination of fonts that will suit a certain brand best. In some cases, we create new fonts. In addition to typography, we choose a color palette to best suit the products, company, industry, and product or service. We unite the visual elements into a harmonic branding style.

Style Guide

A style guide is a document outlining the visual elements of a brand and how each element should be used. Traditionally, a style guide includes the explanation of the idea standing behind a logo, typography, and its uses, as well as the presentation of a color palette that can be used for different purposes.


The right styles must be applied to the right content to create the correct brand identity. Brand identity is about a unified voice that permeates all forms of communication. We work with clients to define on-brand messaging that can be used on communications, advertisements, the web, and everywhere the brand appears, even the clients’ own office.

Child Safety Network

Repositioning a brand in its 30th year to help appeal to millennial parents and facilitate fundraising to ensure the safety of kids.

Brand Development

As a brand strategy firm, we synthesize research and branding design into full experiences

Branding interrelates to all components of the product, from the design to the UX, which work together to produce the first impressions people have of a product. For new products, we design the product and brand in tandem, making sure that both fit together. For existing products, we spend time learning how consumers and users enjoy the product and what types of messaging are most impactful for them. While every product is different, our close-knit team of designers, engineers, and copywriters have years of working in synergy to create cohesive and product-defining brands. We consider everything from the logo, colors, typography, and feel of the materials to create the most effective and long-lasting brands possible.

Brand Development Services

Cross-Platform Web and App

The key to any brand is a compelling and cross-platform branded experience across web and apps experience. Consumers know the difference between a brand that does something truly unique and one that is derivative of competitors. We develop the pixel-perfect experience that utilizes the latest languages and frameworks. With forward-looking CMS and customer builds, we construct experiences and services built for the future and consistent experience across devices.


Branding must be available for old and new types of media. Between radio and podcasts, TikTok and TV, branding needs to be consistent and relevant. A brand needs consistency across media types so that consumers can instantly and emotionally recognize the brand. We work so that a brand stays relevant to the consumer for the type of media they are consuming. Making branding relevant is often a technical and creative challenge.


Over the last decade, Internet marketing has come to the forefront of most businesses marketing strategies, but print materials are still the standard for conferences and in-person meetings. Moreover, while web pages are often skimmed in less than 15 seconds, visually engaging print materials can live in offices and homes for years. When designing branding, it’s important to understand how the branding will look in both print and digital experiences. 


We’re all using our devices constantly, living in a digital world. Most of us engage with the largest world through the lens of our devices, which makes it essential for brands to reach target customers and convert one-time users into long-term loyalists. While the state of constant change makes digital branding difficult, it also presents new opportunities. Digital branding enables any company to make its presence known anywhere. 

Child Safety Network

Repositioning a brand in its 30th year to help appeal to millennial parents and facilitate fundraising to ensure the safety of kids.

Beat the Streets

Establishing a brand identity with the dual role of attracting inner-city youth to join the organization and inviting donors to support the non-profit.

Brand Strategy

Our brand strategies plot our holistic experiences across print, digital, and products. Our strategies rely on human-centered insights to connect with consumers and meet their needs for interaction and self-actualization. By working with clients to make a brand strategy based in human-centered research and with a collaborative team of researchers, designers, engineers, and developers we can generate signal in the noise.


A brand strategy is a plan that outlines how a company’s brand will be positioned in the market. It includes various elements such as the brand’s mission and vision, target audience, brand personality and values, and a unique value proposition.

The mission and vision of a brand are the long-term goals and objectives of the company. They provide direction and focus for the brand and help guide decision-making. The target audience, on the other hand, is the specific group of consumers that the brand is trying to reach and engage with.

The brand personality and values are the characteristics and qualities that define the brand and differentiate it from its competitors. These elements help to create a emotional connection with the target audience and establish a sense of trust and credibility.

A unique value proposition, also known as a UVP, is a clear and compelling statement that explains how the brand’s products or services are different from and better than those of its competitors. It is the main reason why customers should choose the brand over others.

In addition to these core elements, a brand strategy may also include a brand positioning statement, which outlines how the brand is perceived by its target audience in relation to its competitors. It should be unique, memorable, and relevant to the target audience.

Another important element of a brand strategy is a brand messaging framework, which outlines the key messages that the brand wants to communicate to its target audience. These messages should be consistent across all channels and touchpoints, and should support the overall brand positioning.

Finally, a brand strategy should also include a plan for implementing and executing the various elements of the strategy. This may include activities such as developing a new brand identity, creating marketing and advertising campaigns, and launching new products or services.

Ultimately, a brand strategy is a comprehensive plan that outlines how a brand will be positioned in the market and how it will engage with its target audience. It includes various elements such as the brand’s mission and vision, target audience, brand personality and values, unique value proposition, and a plan for implementation.

Our brand strategy focuses on a comprehensive plan that outlines the specific actions and decisions a company will take to establish and maintain its brand in the market. It includes all the elements that contribute to the overall brand image and perception of the company in the minds of consumers.
1. Brand positioning – This is the unique value proposition that sets the brand apart from its competitors and defines its target audience. It is the central idea around which the entire brand strategy revolves.
2. Brand name and logo – These are the visual elements that represent the brand and help consumers identify and remember it. The brand name should be unique, memorable, and easy to pronounce, while the logo should be simple, distinctive, and consistent across all marketing channels.
3. Brand tone and voice – The tone and voice of the brand refer to the language, style, and personality it uses to communicate with consumers. They should be aligned with the brand positioning and target audience, and should reflect the brand’s values and beliefs.
4. Brand messaging – This refers to the specific messages and themes that the brand will use to communicate with consumers and reinforce its positioning in the market. The messaging should be clear, consistent, and relevant to the target audience.
5. Brand values and beliefs – These are the guiding principles that inform the brand’s actions and decisions, and that shape its relationship with consumers. They should be authentic, genuine, and resonant with the target audience.
6. Brand experience – This is the overall feeling and impression that consumers have when interacting with the brand, from the initial awareness stage to the final purchase decision. It includes all the touchpoints where consumers come into contact with the brand, such as its website, social media channels, customer service, and in-store experience.
7. Brand storytelling – This is the art of using compelling narratives and emotional appeal to connect with consumers and build brand loyalty. The brand story should be authentic, relatable, and engaging, and should help consumers understand the brand’s unique value proposition and values.
8. Brand partnerships and sponsorships – These are strategic alliances and collaborations that the brand enters into with other companies or organizations to enhance its visibility, credibility, and reach in the market. The partnerships and sponsorships should be carefully chosen and aligned with the brand’s positioning and target audience.
9. Brand monitoring and evaluation – This is the process of tracking and analyzing the performance of the brand in the market, and making necessary adjustments to improve its effectiveness. The monitoring and evaluation should be ongoing and systematic, and should include metrics such as brand awareness, customer satisfaction, and market share.

A successful brand strategy should include all these elements, and should be based on a deep understanding of the market, the target audience, and the competitive landscape. It should be flexible and adaptable, and should be regularly reviewed and refined to keep pace with changing market conditions and consumer preferences.

Introducing a new brand to the market can be a daunting task, but with careful planning and execution, it can be a successful venture. Here are some key steps to consider when introducing a new brand to the market:

  1. Identify your target audience: The first step in introducing a new brand is to clearly identify your target audience. This will help you tailor your messaging, branding, and marketing efforts to effectively reach and engage this audience.
  2. Develop a unique positioning: To stand out in a crowded market, your brand needs to have a unique positioning that sets it apart from competitors. This should be based on your target audience’s needs and preferences, as well as your brand’s unique value proposition.
  3. Create a compelling brand story: A compelling brand story helps to build emotional connections with your target audience and create a strong brand identity. Your brand story should be authentic, relatable, and engaging, and should help to differentiate your brand from competitors.
  4. Develop a strong visual identity: Your brand’s visual identity is critical to its success. This includes everything from your logo and color palette to your website and packaging design. Your visual identity should be consistent, cohesive, and reflective of your brand’s positioning and story.
  5. Implement a comprehensive marketing plan: Once you have established your brand’s positioning, story, and visual identity, it’s time to implement a comprehensive marketing plan. This should include a mix of traditional and digital marketing tactics, such as advertising, public relations, social media marketing, and content marketing.
  6. Launch with a bang: To create buzz and generate excitement for your new brand, consider launching with a bang. This could be a major event, a promotional campaign, or a partnership with a high-profile influencer. The goal is to get people talking about your brand and generate buzz and interest in your product or service.
  7. Monitor and adapt: Introducing a new brand is not a one-time event, it’s an ongoing process. As your brand grows and evolves, it’s important to monitor customer feedback and market trends, and adapt your strategy as needed. This could involve changing your messaging, revising your marketing plan, or even pivoting your brand positioning.

Ultimately, introducing a new brand to the market is a challenging but rewarding endeavor. By identifying your target audience, developing a unique positioning and compelling brand story, creating a strong visual identity, implementing a comprehensive marketing plan, launching with a bang, and continually monitoring and adapting, you can successfully introduce your brand and establish it as a valuable and differentiated offering in the market.

Brand strategy and marketing strategy are two different yet interconnected concepts that are essential to the success of a business. While they may seem similar, they have distinct differences that are crucial to understand.

Brand strategy is a long-term plan that focuses on building and maintaining a company’s brand identity. It is the process of developing a unique and consistent brand message and positioning the brand in a way that differentiates it from its competitors. The goal of brand strategy is to create a strong and recognizable brand that resonates with consumers and drives customer loyalty.

Marketing strategy, on the other hand, is a short-term plan that focuses on the promotion and distribution of a company’s products or services. It involves identifying target markets, analyzing consumer behavior, and developing marketing campaigns to reach and engage consumers. The goal of marketing strategy is to generate demand for the company’s products and drive sales.

One key difference between brand strategy and marketing strategy is their time horizon. Brand strategy is a long-term plan that focuses on building and maintaining a company’s brand identity over time. Marketing strategy, on the other hand, is a short-term plan that focuses on promoting and selling a company’s products or services in the short term.

Another difference is their focus. Brand strategy focuses on building and maintaining a company’s brand identity, while marketing strategy focuses on promoting and selling a company’s products or services. Brand strategy involves developing a unique brand message and positioning the brand in a way that differentiates it from its competitors. Marketing strategy involves identifying target markets, analyzing consumer behavior, and developing marketing campaigns to reach and engage consumers.

Brand strategy and marketing strategy also differ in their approach. Brand strategy is a holistic approach that focuses on all aspects of a company’s brand, including its brand promise, values, and personality. Marketing strategy, on the other hand, is a more tactical approach that focuses on specific marketing activities, such as advertising, promotions, and public relations.

Furthermore, brand strategy and marketing strategy have different goals. The goal of brand strategy is to create a strong and recognizable brand that resonates with consumers and drives customer loyalty. The goal of marketing strategy is to generate demand for a company’s products and drive sales.

In conclusion, brand strategy and marketing strategy are two different yet interconnected concepts that are essential to the success of a business. While they may seem similar, they have distinct differences that are crucial to understand. Brand strategy is a long-term plan that focuses on building and maintaining a company’s brand identity, while marketing strategy is a short-term plan that focuses on promoting and selling a company’s products or services

A brand strategy plan is a comprehensive document that outlines a company’s overall approach to building and maintaining a successful brand. It encompasses a variety of factors, including market research, target audience analysis, competitive analysis, and messaging, to create a cohesive and effective branding strategy.

A strong brand strategy plan will help a company differentiate itself from competitors, establish a clear and consistent brand identity, and build a positive reputation with its target audience. This, in turn, can help drive customer loyalty, increase brand awareness, and ultimately drive sales and revenue.

The first step in creating a brand strategy plan is conducting thorough market research. This includes gathering information on the company’s target audience, including demographics, needs, wants, and preferences. This research helps the company understand what makes its target audience unique and how it can effectively communicate with them.

The next step is conducting a competitive analysis. This involves researching the company’s competitors, including their branding strategies, messaging, and marketing efforts. This information can help the company identify gaps in the market and areas where it can differentiate itself from competitors.

Once the market research and competitive analysis have been completed, the company can begin developing its brand identity. This involves creating a unique and memorable brand name, logo, and tagline, as well as defining the brand’s tone of voice and visual aesthetic.

The brand strategy plan should also include a detailed messaging and positioning strategy. This includes developing key messaging points that clearly and concisely communicate the brand’s value proposition, as well as defining the brand’s unique selling points and positioning in the market.

Finally, the brand strategy plan should outline a comprehensive marketing and communication plan. This includes identifying the channels and tactics that will be used to reach the target audience, as well as defining specific goals and metrics for measuring the effectiveness of the branding efforts.

Overall, a brand strategy plan is a crucial component of a successful branding strategy. It helps a company clearly define its brand identity, differentiate itself from competitors, and effectively communicate with its target audience. This, in turn, can help drive customer loyalty, increase brand awareness, and ultimately drive sales and revenue.

A brand strategy firm is a professional service organization that specializes in helping companies build and communicate a strong brand identity. These firms offer a range of services, including market research, brand positioning, brand architecture, and communication strategy, to help companies define and communicate their brand message in a clear, consistent, and compelling way. Brand strategy firms work with a variety of clients, including startups, established companies, and non-profit organizations, to help them build and sustain a strong brand.

A brand strategy firm helps companies understand their target audience, competitors, and market trends, and uses this information to develop a brand positioning and communication strategy that sets the company apart and resonates with its target audience. The brand strategy process typically involves collaboration between the brand strategy firm and the client, with the aim of creating a brand that is distinctive, meaningful, and memorable.

Branding Project Spotlight

Child Safety

Repositioning a brand in its 30th year to help appeal to millennial parents and facilitate fundraising to ensure the safety of kids.

Beat the Streets

Establishing a brand identity with the dual role of attracting inner-city youth to join the organization and inviting donors to support the non-profit.


In office analyzer solution that will transform the future of women’s health.
Experience more of our Brand Design Projects.
View of RKS Brand Strategy and Design Firm someone sketching iterations of different logos for Talis Biomedical

Brand Strategy Firm

As a top brand strategy firm, we specialize in brand identity creation, logo design, and branding design creating human-centered brands

RKS logo small

Featured Projects

Industrial Design Firm About Product Design
“…It’s about how the design or experience makes you feel about yourself.”

– Ravi Sawhney, Founder

About RKS

As a global human-centered brand strategy firm and branding design company, we use a quantitative and qualitative approach to connecting brands with customers. Whether creating new brands or creating the strategy for ones, we assist at all stages of creating and implementing brand and brand strategy. Our cross-disciplinary specialists, researchers, designers, and engineers leverage their deep experience within multiple industries and technologies to spark creative and innovative solutions. In a highly competitive market, where consumers have choices and make decisions with the click of a button, brands are signal in the noise. In 2023, RKS brings decades of experience consulting with clients to create brand identity, as well as brands and branding, which together are the synergistic trio of brand strategy.
RKS Design Logo Product Design
Year of Experience
1 +
1 +
Brand Identities
1 +
Clients that have moved with us

Research for Brand Strategy

We use human-centered methods to research and understand the psychological needs of consumer to develop strong emotion connections
Brand Research Services

Human-Centered Research


Competitive Research

Market Research

Color Studies

Focus Groups

Statistical Analysis

Research helps to get deeper into the preferences and psychology of a brand’s target audience. Done well, research at the beginning of the process usually means steps later in the process can move forward more quickly. Psycho Aesthetics (P/A) is our unique approach to design thinking. Over the decades spent developing and evolving P/A, it has continuously progressed into a highly advanced design-thinking tool and framework that allows designers to create a shared objective, pragmatic, and insightful approaches to everything from research and design to name development, mission, and vision statements, and more.
Brand Strategy Process Image 1

Emotional Understanding

Ultimately, brands informed by user research are more durable, better targeted, and financially successful. A strong and lovable brand can be a major asset that can ensure continuous growth, encourage user consistency, increase demand, and create a competitive advantage. Emotional connection is created through a deep understanding of the needs and wants of customers. Our research is used to generate qualitative and quantitative insights into consumers, their needs, their aspirations, their challenges, how they work, how they live, how they play, and the interior and social architecture of their lives.
RKS Design Logo Product Design


Ethnographic research is a cornerstone of our advanced design thinking methodology, Psycho-Aesthetics. Ethnographic research is a qualitative method where our researchers observe and interact with potential consumers in their real-life environment. We routinely go into the field to observe consumers in a broad range of contexts, from homes to hobbies to their offices. When we can’t be there physically, we use current and emerging technology to gather and analyze data.

Persona Development

Our research often results in persona creation, which informs the creative elements of a brand. This critical step of research is the foundation of the branding process. Before designers start working on any visible part, they need to identify the character of the customer, company, and product they want to present. Designing a brand without this knowledge won’t have the emotional connection required to work. This emotional connection cuts deeply into the primary motivations and psychologies of the target customers.
RKS Design Logo Product Design

Market Insights

An essential part of making a brand work for a business is market context. A brand must respond to the needs of the market in the context of existing brands and messaging. We work with our clients to understand their business and the market forces that dominate their industry. We then use P/A to synthesize our understanding into visual tools all stakeholders can understand.

Branding Design

Our human-centered approach to branding design uses our research to develop critical branding elements
Branding Design Services

Style Guides

Messaging Strategy

Logo Design

Color, Materials, Look & Feel

Digital Assets

Content Creation


Color Schemes

RKS Design Logo Product Design
A brand has to fit both the company and the customers that the company and its products serve. At its core, a brand is a unique design, sign, symbol, words, or a combination of these employed in creating an image that identifies a product and differentiates it from its competitors. Powerful branding depends not only on the aesthetic features of brand elements but on the details such as the message and emotional appeal behind it. To create true brand identity, designers need to get deep into the details of business goals as well as do research on the market and its target audience.
Brand Strategy Process Image 2

Logo Design

A logo is the basic mark of brand identity, the most prominent symbol of brand image, and the foundation of effective marketing strategy enabling its connection with the target audience. The best logos combine typography, symbolism, and color into a concise and emotionally resonant marking. There are multiple steps in logo design, including user research, marketing research, creative search, choice of style direction, choice of color palette, testing in different sizes and environments, creating a style guide setting right and wrong cases of logo use.
RKS Design Logo Product Design

Visual Elements

Visual elements are a way to personalize a brand beyond a logo. These visual elements include typography, color, and symbols. Typography is the sum of fonts, sizes, and ways text is used in the brand. We choose a combination of fonts that will suit a certain brand best. In some cases, we create new fonts. In addition to typography, we choose a color palette to best suit the products, company, industry, and product or service. We unite the visual elements into a harmonic branding style.

Style Guide

A style guide is a document outlining the visual elements of a brand and how each element should be used. Traditionally, a style guide includes the explanation of the idea standing behind a logo, typography, and its uses, as well as the presentation of a color palette that can be used for different purposes.
RKS Design Logo Product Design


The right styles must be applied to the right content to create the correct brand identity. Brand identity is about a unified voice that permeates all forms of communication. We work with clients to define on-brand messaging that can be used on communications, advertisements, the web, and everywhere the brand appears, even the clients’ own office.

Brand Development

As a brand strategy firm, we synthesize research and branding design into full experiences
Brand Development Services

User Interface

User Experience

Product Design

Technology Development

App Development

Digital Marketing

Branding interrelates to all components of the product, from the design to the UX, which work together to produce the first impressions people have of a product. For new products, we design the product and brand in tandem, making sure that both fit together. For existing products, we spend time learning how consumers and users enjoy the product and what types of messaging are most impactful for them. While every product is different, our close-knit team of designers, engineers, and copywriters have years of working in synergy to create cohesive and product-defining brands. We consider everything from the logo, colors, typography, and feel of the materials to create the most effective and long-lasting brands possible.
Brand Strategy Process Image 3

Cross-Platform Web and App

The key to any brand is a compelling and cross-platform branded experience across web and apps experience. Consumers know the difference between a brand that does something truly unique and one that is derivative of competitors. We develop the pixel-perfect experience that utilizes the latest languages and frameworks. With forward-looking CMS and customer builds, we construct experiences and services built for the future and consistent experience across devices.
RKS Design Logo Product Design


Branding must be available for old and new types of media. Between radio and podcasts, TikTok and TV, branding needs to be consistent and relevant. A brand needs consistency across media types so that consumers can instantly and emotionally recognize the brand. We work so that a brand stays relevant to the consumer for the type of media they are consuming. Making branding relevant is often a technical and creative challenge.


Over the last decade, Internet marketing has come to the forefront of most businesses marketing strategies, but print materials are still the standard for conferences and in-person meetings. Moreover, while web pages are often skimmed in less than 15 seconds, visually engaging print materials can live in offices and homes for years. When designing branding, it’s important to understand how the branding will look in both print and digital experiences.
RKS Design Logo Product Design
We’re all using our devices constantly, living in a digital world. Most of us engage with the largest world through the lens of our devices, which makes it essential for brands to reach target customers and convert one-time users into long-term loyalists. While the state of constant change makes digital branding difficult, it also presents new opportunities. Digital branding enables any company to make its presence known anywhere.

Brand Strategy

Our brand strategies plot our holistic experiences across print, digital, and products. Our strategies rely on human-centered insights to connect with consumers and meet their needs for interaction and self-actualization. By working with clients to make a brand strategy based in human-centered research and with a collaborative team of researchers, designers, engineers, and developers we can generate signal in the noise.


A brand strategy is a plan that outlines how a company’s brand will be positioned in the market. It includes various elements such as the brand’s mission and vision, target audience, brand personality and values, and a unique value proposition.

The mission and vision of a brand are the long-term goals and objectives of the company. They provide direction and focus for the brand and help guide decision-making. The target audience, on the other hand, is the specific group of consumers that the brand is trying to reach and engage with.

The brand personality and values are the characteristics and qualities that define the brand and differentiate it from its competitors. These elements help to create a emotional connection with the target audience and establish a sense of trust and credibility.

A unique value proposition, also known as a UVP, is a clear and compelling statement that explains how the brand’s products or services are different from and better than those of its competitors. It is the main reason why customers should choose the brand over others.

In addition to these core elements, a brand strategy may also include a brand positioning statement, which outlines how the brand is perceived by its target audience in relation to its competitors. It should be unique, memorable, and relevant to the target audience.

Another important element of a brand strategy is a brand messaging framework, which outlines the key messages that the brand wants to communicate to its target audience. These messages should be consistent across all channels and touchpoints, and should support the overall brand positioning.

Finally, a brand strategy should also include a plan for implementing and executing the various elements of the strategy. This may include activities such as developing a new brand identity, creating marketing and advertising campaigns, and launching new products or services.

Ultimately, a brand strategy is a comprehensive plan that outlines how a brand will be positioned in the market and how it will engage with its target audience. It includes various elements such as the brand’s mission and vision, target audience, brand personality and values, unique value proposition, and a plan for implementation.
Our brand strategy focuses on a comprehensive plan that outlines the specific actions and decisions a company will take to establish and maintain its brand in the market. It includes all the elements that contribute to the overall brand image and perception of the company in the minds of consumers.
1. Brand positioning – This is the unique value proposition that sets the brand apart from its competitors and defines its target audience. It is the central idea around which the entire brand strategy revolves.
2. Brand name and logo – These are the visual elements that represent the brand and help consumers identify and remember it. The brand name should be unique, memorable, and easy to pronounce, while the logo should be simple, distinctive, and consistent across all marketing channels.
3. Brand tone and voice – The tone and voice of the brand refer to the language, style, and personality it uses to communicate with consumers. They should be aligned with the brand positioning and target audience, and should reflect the brand’s values and beliefs.
4. Brand messaging – This refers to the specific messages and themes that the brand will use to communicate with consumers and reinforce its positioning in the market. The messaging should be clear, consistent, and relevant to the target audience.
5. Brand values and beliefs – These are the guiding principles that inform the brand’s actions and decisions, and that shape its relationship with consumers. They should be authentic, genuine, and resonant with the target audience.
6. Brand experience – This is the overall feeling and impression that consumers have when interacting with the brand, from the initial awareness stage to the final purchase decision. It includes all the touchpoints where consumers come into contact with the brand, such as its website, social media channels, customer service, and in-store experience.
7. Brand storytelling – This is the art of using compelling narratives and emotional appeal to connect with consumers and build brand loyalty. The brand story should be authentic, relatable, and engaging, and should help consumers understand the brand’s unique value proposition and values.
8. Brand partnerships and sponsorships – These are strategic alliances and collaborations that the brand enters into with other companies or organizations to enhance its visibility, credibility, and reach in the market. The partnerships and sponsorships should be carefully chosen and aligned with the brand’s positioning and target audience.
9. Brand monitoring and evaluation – This is the process of tracking and analyzing the performance of the brand in the market, and making necessary adjustments to improve its effectiveness. The monitoring and evaluation should be ongoing and systematic, and should include metrics such as brand awareness, customer satisfaction, and market share.

A successful brand strategy should include all these elements, and should be based on a deep understanding of the market, the target audience, and the competitive landscape. It should be flexible and adaptable, and should be regularly reviewed and refined to keep pace with changing market conditions and consumer preferences.
Introducing a new brand to the market can be a daunting task, but with careful planning and execution, it can be a successful venture. Here are some key steps to consider when introducing a new brand to the market:
1. Identify your target audience: The first step in introducing a new brand is to clearly identify your target audience. This will help you tailor your messaging, branding, and marketing efforts to effectively reach and engage this audience.
2. Develop a unique positioning: To stand out in a crowded market, your brand needs to have a unique positioning that sets it apart from competitors. This should be based on your target audience’s needs and preferences, as well as your brand’s unique value proposition.
3. Create a compelling brand story: A compelling brand story helps to build emotional connections with your target audience and create a strong brand identity. Your brand story should be authentic, relatable, and engaging, and should help to differentiate your brand from competitors.
4. Develop a strong visual identity: Your brand’s visual identity is critical to its success. This includes everything from your logo and color palette to your website and packaging design. Your visual identity should be consistent, cohesive, and reflective of your brand’s positioning and story.
5. Implement a comprehensive marketing plan: Once you have established your brand’s positioning, story, and visual identity, it’s time to implement a comprehensive marketing plan. This should include a mix of traditional and digital marketing tactics, such as advertising, public relations, social media marketing, and content marketing.
6. Launch with a bang: To create buzz and generate excitement for your new brand, consider launching with a bang. This could be a major event, a promotional campaign, or a partnership with a high-profile influencer. The goal is to get people talking about your brand and generate buzz and interest in your product or service.
7. Monitor and adapt: Introducing a new brand is not a one-time event, it’s an ongoing process. As your brand grows and evolves, it’s important to monitor customer feedback and market trends, and adapt your strategy as needed. This could involve changing your messaging, revising your marketing plan, or even pivoting your brand positioning.

Ultimately, introducing a new brand to the market is a challenging but rewarding endeavor. By identifying your target audience, developing a unique positioning and compelling brand story, creating a strong visual identity, implementing a comprehensive marketing plan, launching with a bang, and continually monitoring and adapting, you can successfully introduce your brand and establish it as a valuable and differentiated offering in the market.
Brand strategy and marketing strategy are two different yet interconnected concepts that are essential to the success of a business. While they may seem similar, they have distinct differences that are crucial to understand.

Brand strategy is a long-term plan that focuses on building and maintaining a company’s brand identity. It is the process of developing a unique and consistent brand message and positioning the brand in a way that differentiates it from its competitors. The goal of brand strategy is to create a strong and recognizable brand that resonates with consumers and drives customer loyalty.

Marketing strategy, on the other hand, is a short-term plan that focuses on the promotion and distribution of a company’s products or services. It involves identifying target markets, analyzing consumer behavior, and developing marketing campaigns to reach and engage consumers. The goal of marketing strategy is to generate demand for the company’s products and drive sales.

One key difference between brand strategy and marketing strategy is their time horizon. Brand strategy is a long-term plan that focuses on building and maintaining a company’s brand identity over time. Marketing strategy, on the other hand, is a short-term plan that focuses on promoting and selling a company’s products or services in the short term.

Another difference is their focus. Brand strategy focuses on building and maintaining a company’s brand identity, while marketing strategy focuses on promoting and selling a company’s products or services. Brand strategy involves developing a unique brand message and positioning the brand in a way that differentiates it from its competitors. Marketing strategy involves identifying target markets, analyzing consumer behavior, and developing marketing campaigns to reach and engage consumers.

Brand strategy and marketing strategy also differ in their approach. Brand strategy is a holistic approach that focuses on all aspects of a company’s brand, including its brand promise, values, and personality. Marketing strategy, on the other hand, is a more tactical approach that focuses on specific marketing activities, such as advertising, promotions, and public relations.

Furthermore, brand strategy and marketing strategy have different goals. The goal of brand strategy is to create a strong and recognizable brand that resonates with consumers and drives customer loyalty. The goal of marketing strategy is to generate demand for a company’s products and drive sales.

In conclusion, brand strategy and marketing strategy are two different yet interconnected concepts that are essential to the success of a business. While they may seem similar, they have distinct differences that are crucial to understand. Brand strategy is a long-term plan that focuses on building and maintaining a company’s brand identity, while marketing strategy is a short-term plan that focuses on promoting and selling a company’s products or services.
A brand strategy plan is a comprehensive document that outlines a company’s overall approach to building and maintaining a successful brand. It encompasses a variety of factors, including market research, target audience analysis, competitive analysis, and messaging, to create a cohesive and effective branding strategy.

A strong brand strategy plan will help a company differentiate itself from competitors, establish a clear and consistent brand identity, and build a positive reputation with its target audience. This, in turn, can help drive customer loyalty, increase brand awareness, and ultimately drive sales and revenue.

The first step in creating a brand strategy plan is conducting thorough market research. This includes gathering information on the company’s target audience, including demographics, needs, wants, and preferences. This research helps the company understand what makes its target audience unique and how it can effectively communicate with them.

The next step is conducting a competitive analysis. This involves researching the company’s competitors, including their branding strategies, messaging, and marketing efforts. This information can help the company identify gaps in the market and areas where it can differentiate itself from competitors.

Once the market research and competitive analysis have been completed, the company can begin developing its brand identity. This involves creating a unique and memorable brand name, logo, and tagline, as well as defining the brand’s tone of voice and visual aesthetic.

The brand strategy plan should also include a detailed messaging and positioning strategy. This includes developing key messaging points that clearly and concisely communicate the brand’s value proposition, as well as defining the brand’s unique selling points and positioning in the market.

Finally, the brand strategy plan should outline a comprehensive marketing and communication plan. This includes identifying the channels and tactics that will be used to reach the target audience, as well as defining specific goals and metrics for measuring the effectiveness of the branding efforts.

Overall, a brand strategy plan is a crucial component of a successful branding strategy. It helps a company clearly define its brand identity, differentiate itself from competitors, and effectively communicate with its target audience. This, in turn, can help drive customer loyalty, increase brand awareness, and ultimately drive sales and revenue.
A brand strategy firm is a professional service organization that specializes in helping companies build and communicate a strong brand identity. These firms offer a range of services, including market research, brand positioning, brand architecture, and communication strategy, to help companies define and communicate their brand message in a clear, consistent, and compelling way. Brand strategy firms work with a variety of clients, including startups, established companies, and non-profit organizations, to help them build and sustain a strong brand.

A brand strategy firm helps companies understand their target audience, competitors, and market trends, and uses this information to develop a brand positioning and communication strategy that sets the company apart and resonates with its target audience. The brand strategy process typically involves collaboration between the brand strategy firm and the client, with the aim of creating a brand that is distinctive, meaningful, and memorable.

Branding Project Spotlight

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