User Research Firm - Customer Research and Insights

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“…It’s about how the design or experience makes you feel about yourself.”

– Ravi Sawhney, Founder

About RKS

User research and market research are the cornerstones of human-centered design. We specialize in user research, consumer research, market research, and ethnography.

Our research team focuses on the users and their needs in each phase of the design process. Ethnographic research (also called ethnographies) often defines these needs in many cases. Ethnographic research is a qualitative research method where researchers observe and interact with participants in their environment. By conducting research in real-life environments, we gain invaluable insight into a design problem.

By learning about users’ values, needs, and psychological makeup, we can better empathize with their pain points. Thoroughly understanding users allows us to deliver our clients the best solutions. Value is subjective, and ethnographic research is key to understanding users’ different values.

How products make customers feel about themselves fuels our quantitative and qualitative design research and implementation. Whether conducting ethnographies for new or existing products, we believe carefully designed ethnography is vital to creating successful products. We use our advanced Psycho-Aesthetics process to solve complex problems that address design, engineering, brand, and regulatory issues.

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Year of Experience
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1 +
User Interviews
1 +

Clients that have moved with us

Human-Centered Psycho-Aesthetics (P/A) Research Planning

Planning for ethnographic studies is essential to creating long-lasting products and services. A well-designed ethnography can reduce the cost of product development by avoiding wasted time and resources.

We conduct our ethnographic research in multiple phases. Phase One entails developing discussion guides, questions, and stimuli. These materials gain us deeper insight into the specific areas important to the clients and stakeholders.

During Phase Two, we select a location for the study. Our researchers then determine the most efficient methods to carry out the study. This could be a presentation or collection method.

Phase Three is carrying out the study and acquiring the necessary permissions from the users we are testing.

Key Capabilities

Research Management

The process of conducting ethnographic research varies depending on the project. There are relationships between the type of product/service we are conducting research for and the ethnographic research process we use.

Research management involves overseeing and coordinating various aspects of the research process to ensure effective execution and achieve desired outcomes. This involves defining research goals and objectives, identifying research questions, and determining the scope and focus of the ethnographic study. It also includes developing a research plan, which outlines the overall methodology, data collection techniques, and analysis approaches.

Observation and Participation

Research management includes planning and coordinating data collection activities. This may involve conducting interviews, observations, participant observations (like body language), and collecting artifacts or documents. We use the problem statement to help direct our observations in the most effective way.

During the observation and participation stage, we ensure that the data is reliable and consistent. Additionally, we address any ethical or logistical concerns that may arise during the data collection process.

Interview Process

Interviews play a significant role in our ethnography projects as they allow us to gain deeper insights into behaviors and actions. Depending on the situation, we may conduct interviews immediately after an observation or participation in an activity. We can schedule interviews at the end of an observation period, a day, or the research period. We carefully select the most appropriate individuals to interview and craft interview questions that are crucial for understanding our research question.

Data and Synthesis

Our researchers play a role in overseeing the analysis of ethnographic data. They coordinate the coding and categorization of data and facilitate data interpretation. They also ensure that the analysis aligns with the research objectives and research questions. They may also collaborate with qualitative data analysis experts or software, if applicable.

Markets and Industries

Our team of experienced researchers and designers is well-versed in applying ethnographic research methods across a diverse range of markets and industries.

By immersing ourselves in the unique cultures and contexts of various sectors, we unearth deep insights that fuel groundbreaking design solutions.

Key Capabilities

User Experience Research

Ethnographic research plays a crucial role in UX/UI (User Experience/User Interface) design. It provides in-depth insights into users’ behaviors, needs, and preferences. Our ethnographic research allows our designers to immerse themselves in the users’ context. It helps us to create tailored designs that are unique to users’ experiences.

Brand Research

Ultimately, brands informed by ethnographic research are more durable, better targeted, and more financially successful. A strong, lovable brand can be a major asset.

Brand research enables us to develop a recognizable brand. A recognizable brand can ensure continuous growth, encourage user consistency, increase demand, and create a competitive advantage.

Product Design

Ethnographic research is highly valuable in product design. It provides insights into users’ behaviors, needs, and preferences in a real-life context. We observe and engage with users in their natural environments so that our designers can gain deep insights. These insights encompass experiences, pain points, and opportunities for innovation that designers can apply to product design.

Industrial Design

Ethnographic research plays a vital role in industrial design. Industrial design research provides us valuable insight into users’ behaviors, needs, and preferences within specific contexts. Interviews in research for industrial design processes allow us to create functional, ergonomic products.

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User Research Firm - Customer Research and Insights

RKS is a human-centered user research, market research, and ethnographic research firm.

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Featured User Research Projects

Industrial Design Firm About Product Design
“…It’s about how the design or experience makes you feel about yourself.”

– Ravi Sawhney, Founder

About RKS

User research and market research are the cornerstones of human-centered design. We specialize in user research, consumer research, market research, and ethnography.

Our research team focuses on the users and their needs in each phase of the design process. Ethnographic research (also called ethnographies) often defines these needs in many cases. Ethnographic research is a qualitative research method where researchers observe and interact with participants in their environment. By conducting research in real-life environments, we gain invaluable insight into a design problem.

By learning about users’ values, needs, and psychological makeup, we can better empathize with their pain points. Thoroughly understanding users allows us to deliver our clients the best solutions. Value is subjective, and ethnographic research is key to understanding users’ different values.

How products make customers feel about themselves fuels our quantitative and qualitative design research and implementation. Whether conducting ethnographies for new or existing products, we believe carefully designed ethnography is vital to creating successful products. We use our advanced Psycho-Aesthetics process to solve complex problems that address design, engineering, brand, and regulatory issues.

RKS Design Logo Product Design
Year of Experience
1 +
1 +
User Interviews
1 +
Clients that have moved with us

Human-Centered Psycho-Aesthetics (P/A) Research Planning

Planning for ethnographic studies is essential to creating long-lasting products and services. A well-designed ethnography can reduce the cost of product development by avoiding wasted time and resources.

Key Capabilities
Defining Research Objective | Literature Review | Methodology Selection | Sampling Design | Data Collection Planning | Ethical Considerations | Data Analysis Strategy | Timeline and Resource Management | Risk Management

We conduct our ethnographic research in multiple phases. Phase One entails developing discussion guides, questions, and stimuli. These materials gain us deeper insight into the specific areas important to the clients and stakeholders.

During Phase Two, we select a location for the study. Our researchers then determine the most efficient methods to carry out the study. This could be a presentation or collection method.

Phase Three is carrying out the study and acquiring the necessary permissions from the users we are testing.

Ethnographic Research Process Image 1

Research Question

The initial part of our ethnographies begins with a question – what problem are we seeking to understand better? To help us better understand the research question, we always develop a problem statement. This helps us to develop a user-centric design question that helps us gain insight into our target market.

Research questions cover broad topics, and we have learned many lessons from our ethnographic research. Some of the broader issues we may be trying to understand and uncover include things like culture, relationships, interactions, and processes. We are ultimately trying to get as much insight as possible into how people think and/or behave in their environments. By identifying the problem statement and research question, we streamline the ethnography research process.

RKS Design Logo Product Design


Identifying a natural environment for all users is crucial in effectively conducting ethnographic research. The guiding principle we follow when selecting a location is optimizing space. We chose somewhere with the best opportunity to observe, participate, and take field notes. We ultimately are hoping to understand how user’s in their environment act, think, and communicate.

Locations can be local or global. In some cases, we may choose more than one location if the question/problem warrants it.

We conduct research online and in person. We are comfortable doing either as long as we feel we can connect with the subjects. We have tools like AR, VR, and other tech to make great virtual and in-person experiences.

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Interview Methods

Interview Methods

We focus on four different types of interviews when conducting ethnographic research.

  1. Structured interviews
  2. Semi-structured interviews
  3. Unstructured interviews
  4. Focus groups

The method we decide to use depends on the participants, location, and research question. We chose the most effective method to obtain objective information.

RKS Design Logo Product Design


One of the biggest challenges of ethnographic research is gaining the informed consent of the participants. Obtaining this consent requires empathy and communication skills, which in turn require deep experience in doing this type of research.

Research Management

The process of conducting ethnographic research varies depending on the project. There are relationships between the type of product/service we are conducting research for and the ethnographic research process we use.

RKS Design Logo Product Design

Research management involves overseeing and coordinating various aspects of the research process to ensure effective execution and achieve desired outcomes. This involves defining research goals and objectives, identifying research questions, and determining the scope and focus of the ethnographic study. It also includes developing a research plan, which outlines the overall methodology, data collection techniques, and analysis approaches.

Ethnographic Research Process Image 3

Observation and Participation

Research management includes planning and coordinating data collection activities. This may involve conducting interviews, observations, participant observations (like body language), and collecting artifacts or documents. We use the problem statement to help direct our observations in the most effective way.

During the observation and participation stage, we ensure that the data is reliable and consistent. Additionally, we address any ethical or logistical concerns that may arise during the data collection process.

RKS Design Logo Product Design

Interview Process

Interviews play a significant role in our ethnography projects as they allow us to gain deeper insights into behaviors and actions. Depending on the situation, we may conduct interviews immediately after an observation or participation in an activity. We can schedule interviews at the end of an observation period, a day, or the research period. We carefully select the most appropriate individuals to interview and craft interview questions that are crucial for understanding our research question.

Ethnographic Research Team Candid Image 1

Data and Synthesis

Our researchers play a role in overseeing the analysis of ethnographic data. They coordinate the coding and categorization of data and facilitate data interpretation. They also ensure that the analysis aligns with the research objectives and research questions. They may also collaborate with qualitative data analysis experts or software, if applicable.

Markets and Industries

Our team of experienced researchers and designers is well-versed in applying ethnographic research methods across a diverse range of markets and industries.

By immersing ourselves in the unique cultures and contexts of various sectors, we unearth deep insights that fuel groundbreaking design solutions. Explore the industries we serve below:

User Experience Research

Ethnographic research plays a crucial role in UX/UI (User Experience/User Interface) design. It provides in-depth insights into users’ behaviors, needs, and preferences. Our ethnographic research allows our designers to immerse themselves in the users’ context. It helps us to create tailored designs that are unique to users’ experiences.

RKS Design Logo Product Design

Brand Design Research

Ultimately, brands informed by ethnographic research are more durable, better targeted, and more financially successful. A strong, lovable brand can be a major asset.

Brand research enables us to develop a recognizable brand. A recognizable brand can ensure continuous growth, encourage user consistency, increase demand, and create a competitive advantage.

Product Design

Ethnographic research is highly valuable in product design. It provides insights into users’ behaviors, needs, and preferences in a real-life context. We observe and engage with users in their natural environments so that our designers can gain deep insights. These insights encompass experiences, pain points, and opportunities for innovation that designers can apply to product design.

RKS Design Logo Product Design

Industrial Design

Ethnographic research plays a vital role in industrial design. Industrial design research provides us valuable insight into users’ behaviors, needs, and preferences within specific contexts. Interviews in research for industrial design processes allow us to create functional, ergonomic products.


A market research firm provides the foundational insights for product and service strategy and new product development. Market research synthesizes the current and future needs of a market in a way that creates actionable insights for decision makers. A market research firm creates the market research plan, identifies the methods of research, and executes on the market research plan.

A market research firm is a company that provides businesses and organizations with valuable insights and information about their target markets. This information is used to help organizations make informed decisions about their marketing and business strategies.

Market research firms conduct a variety of different types of research in order to gather this information. Some common methods include surveys, focus groups, interviews, and experiments. These research methods allow the firm to collect data from a variety of sources, including customers, competitors, and industry experts.

Market research often includes primary and secondary research, interviews, ethnographies, and competitive intelligence. Because we use Psycho-Aesthetics, our human-centered methodology we also use tools such as the P/A™Map

Once the data is collected, a market research firm will analyze it in order to identify trends and patterns. This analysis allows the firm to provide its clients with valuable insights about their target markets, such as consumer behavior, market trends, and customer preferences.
In addition to providing market research services, many firms also offer consulting services. These services can include helping businesses and organizations develop marketing plans, evaluate new products and services, and identify potential areas for growth and expansion.

Overall, the role of a market research firm is to help businesses and organizations make informed decisions about their target markets. By providing valuable insights and information, these firms help their clients to better understand their customers, competitors, and industry trends. This enables businesses to make more effective marketing and business decisions, which can ultimately lead to increased revenue and success.

RKS is a full-service market research firm. We create market research plans, conduct ethnographic research, and benchmark analogous and competitive offerings.

RKS utilizes a holistic set of design research methods that are tailored to each project. Based on our human-centered design methodology, Psycho-Aesthetics we utilize methods that help us understand and synthesize the core needs and wants of consumers that pertain to the project.

Ethnography involves conducting in-depth, observational research in a natural setting. This means that the researcher immerses themselves in the community they are studying and observes the interactions, practices, and behavior of the people within that community. The researcher is not simply an outsider looking in, but rather becomes a part of the community and participates in the daily activities and routines of the people they are studying.

Ethnography is a holistic approach to research, meaning that it takes into account the entire context and culture of the community being studied. It looks at the various social and cultural factors that influence the behavior and practices of the people within that community. This includes factors such as language, religion, customs, traditions, and social norms.

One of the key strengths of ethnography is that it allows the researcher to gain a deep and nuanced understanding of the culture and community being studied. By living among the people and participating in their daily activities, the researcher is able to gain a rich and detailed understanding of their culture and practices. This level of immersion allows the researcher to capture the nuances and complexities of the culture that may be missed by more traditional research methods.

Ethnography is also a flexible and adaptable research method. As the researcher becomes a part of the community, they are able to adapt and modify their research approach based on the needs and interests of the community. This means that the research can evolve and change as the community changes, allowing for a more dynamic and responsive research process.
Ethnography is not without its limitations, however. One challenge is that the researcher may become too embedded in the community and lose objectivity. It is important for the researcher to maintain a critical and reflective approach to their research, and to be aware of their own biases and assumptions.

Another challenge is that ethnography can be time-consuming and resource-intensive. Because it involves in-depth, observational research, it can take longer to conduct than other research methods. Additionally, the researcher must invest a significant amount of time and effort into building trust and relationships within the community, which can be challenging.

Despite these challenges, ethnography remains an important and valuable method of qualitative research. It allows researchers to gain a deep and nuanced understanding of the cultures and communities they study, and to uncover the complex social and cultural factors that influence their behavior and practices.

UX design research is the process of gathering and analyzing data about how users interact with a product or service in order to improve the overall user experience. This can include conducting user interviews, focus groups, usability testing, and other forms of user research to gather data on user behavior, needs, and preferences.

The goal of UX design research is to gain insight into the user’s perspective, and to use this information to inform the design and development of a product or service. This process allows UX designers to identify pain points and areas for improvement, and to make informed decisions about how to best meet the needs of users.

UX design research is a crucial part of the design process, as it helps to ensure that the end product is user-friendly and meets the needs of the target audience. By conducting research, UX designers can identify user behaviors and patterns, and use this information to inform their design decisions. This can include things like understanding how users navigate through a website, or identifying common challenges that users face when using a particular app.
Additionally, UX design research can help UX designers to gain a deeper understanding of user motivations and preferences. This can include things like understanding why users might choose one product over another, or what features are most important to users when making a purchase decision. By understanding these factors, UX designers can create designs that are more effective at meeting user needs and preferences.

Overall, UX design research is a crucial part of the design process, as it helps UX designers to create products and services that are user-friendly, effective, and engaging. By conducting research and gathering data on user behavior and preferences, UX designers can create designs that are tailored to the needs and preferences of their target audience, resulting in a better overall user experience.

An ethnographic research firm is a professional service organization that specializes in the study of human behavior and culture. Ethnographic research is a qualitative research method that involves the observation and analysis of people in their natural environment, without preconceptions or assumptions about their behavior. The goal of ethnographic research is to understand the attitudes, behaviors, beliefs, and motivations of people in a particular cultural setting.

An ethnographic research firm provides a range of services, including fieldwork, data collection, analysis, and report writing. The research process typically involves immersion in the subject culture, observation of daily activities and interactions, and in-depth interviews with people from the culture being studied. The data collected is analyzed to uncover patterns, themes, and insights that provide a deeper understanding of the culture and its members.

Ethnographic research is used by a variety of organizations, including businesses, government agencies, and non-profit organizations, to gain a deeper understanding of their customers, stakeholders, and target markets. The insights gained from ethnographic research can be used to inform product design, marketing strategies, and policy decisions, helping organizations make informed decisions that are more closely aligned with the needs and perspectives of their target audience.

Whether conducting research in a local community or studying a culture half a world away, an ethnographic research firm provides valuable insights and understanding to help organizations make informed decisions and drive success.

Consumer & Market Research Case Study Spotlight​
Creating a new business unit to position Intel into a service provider and not just a chip manufacturer.

A zero waste solution that provides healthy meals right to your doorstep.

A more premium, refreshing, and sustainable alternative to disposable water bottles.

Experience more of our Consumer and Market Research Work​.


A market research firm provides the foundational insights for product and service strategy and new product development. Market research synthesizes the current and future needs of a market in a way that creates actionable insights for decision makers. A market research firm creates the market research plan, identifies the methods of research, and executes on the market research plan.

A market research firm is a company that provides businesses and organizations with valuable insights and information about their target markets. This information is used to help organizations make informed decisions about their marketing and business strategies.

Market research firms conduct a variety of different types of research in order to gather this information. Some common methods include surveys, focus groups, interviews, and experiments. These research methods allow the firm to collect data from a variety of sources, including customers, competitors, and industry experts.

Market research often includes primary and secondary research, interviews, ethnographies, and competitive intelligence. Because we use Psycho-Aesthetics, our human-centered methodology we also use tools such as the P/A™Map

Once the data is collected, a market research firm will analyze it in order to identify trends and patterns. This analysis allows the firm to provide its clients with valuable insights about their target markets, such as consumer behavior, market trends, and customer preferences.
In addition to providing market research services, many firms also offer consulting services. These services can include helping businesses and organizations develop marketing plans, evaluate new products and services, and identify potential areas for growth and expansion.

Overall, the role of a market research firm is to help businesses and organizations make informed decisions about their target markets. By providing valuable insights and information, these firms help their clients to better understand their customers, competitors, and industry trends. This enables businesses to make more effective marketing and business decisions, which can ultimately lead to increased revenue and success.

RKS is a full-service market research firm. We create market research plans, conduct ethnographic research, and benchmark analogous and competitive offerings.

RKS utilizes a holistic set of design research methods that are tailored to each project. Based on our human-centered design methodology, Psycho-Aesthetics we utilize methods that help us understand and synthesize the core needs and wants of consumers that pertain to the project.

Ethnography is a method of qualitative research that focuses on the study of cultures, groups, and communities. It is a way of investigating and understanding the social and cultural practices of a particular group or community.

Ethnography involves conducting in-depth, observational research in a natural setting. This means that the researcher immerses themselves in the community they are studying and observes the interactions, practices, and behavior of the people within that community. The researcher is not simply an outsider looking in, but rather becomes a part of the community and participates in the daily activities and routines of the people they are studying.

Ethnography is a holistic approach to research, meaning that it takes into account the entire context and culture of the community being studied. It looks at the various social and cultural factors that influence the behavior and practices of the people within that community. This includes factors such as language, religion, customs, traditions, and social norms.

One of the key strengths of ethnography is that it allows the researcher to gain a deep and nuanced understanding of the culture and community being studied. By living among the people and participating in their daily activities, the researcher is able to gain a rich and detailed understanding of their culture and practices. This level of immersion allows the researcher to capture the nuances and complexities of the culture that may be missed by more traditional research methods.

Ethnography is also a flexible and adaptable research method. As the researcher becomes a part of the community, they are able to adapt and modify their research approach based on the needs and interests of the community. This means that the research can evolve and change as the community changes, allowing for a more dynamic and responsive research process.
Ethnography is not without its limitations, however. One challenge is that the researcher may become too embedded in the community and lose objectivity. It is important for the researcher to maintain a critical and reflective approach to their research, and to be aware of their own biases and assumptions.

Another challenge is that ethnography can be time-consuming and resource-intensive. Because it involves in-depth, observational research, it can take longer to conduct than other research methods. Additionally, the researcher must invest a significant amount of time and effort into building trust and relationships within the community, which can be challenging.

Despite these challenges, ethnography remains an important and valuable method of qualitative research. It allows researchers to gain a deep and nuanced understanding of the cultures and communities they study, and to uncover the complex social and cultural factors that influence their behavior and practices.


UX design research is the process of gathering and analyzing data about how users interact with a product or service in order to improve the overall user experience. This can include conducting user interviews, focus groups, usability testing, and other forms of user research to gather data on user behavior, needs, and preferences.

The goal of UX design research is to gain insight into the user’s perspective, and to use this information to inform the design and development of a product or service. This process allows UX designers to identify pain points and areas for improvement, and to make informed decisions about how to best meet the needs of users.

UX design research is a crucial part of the design process, as it helps to ensure that the end product is user-friendly and meets the needs of the target audience. By conducting research, UX designers can identify user behaviors and patterns, and use this information to inform their design decisions. This can include things like understanding how users navigate through a website, or identifying common challenges that users face when using a particular app.
Additionally, UX design research can help UX designers to gain a deeper understanding of user motivations and preferences. This can include things like understanding why users might choose one product over another, or what features are most important to users when making a purchase decision. By understanding these factors, UX designers can create designs that are more effective at meeting user needs and preferences.

Overall, UX design research is a crucial part of the design process, as it helps UX designers to create products and services that are user-friendly, effective, and engaging. By conducting research and gathering data on user behavior and preferences, UX designers can create designs that are tailored to the needs and preferences of their target audience, resulting in a better overall user experience.

An ethnographic research firm is a professional service organization that specializes in the study of human behavior and culture. Ethnographic research is a qualitative research method that involves the observation and analysis of people in their natural environment, without preconceptions or assumptions about their behavior. The goal of ethnographic research is to understand the attitudes, behaviors, beliefs, and motivations of people in a particular cultural setting.

An ethnographic research firm provides a range of services, including fieldwork, data collection, analysis, and report writing. The research process typically involves immersion in the subject culture, observation of daily activities and interactions, and in-depth interviews with people from the culture being studied. The data collected is analyzed to uncover patterns, themes, and insights that provide a deeper understanding of the culture and its members.

Ethnographic research is used by a variety of organizations, including businesses, government agencies, and non-profit organizations, to gain a deeper understanding of their customers, stakeholders, and target markets. The insights gained from ethnographic research can be used to inform product design, marketing strategies, and policy decisions, helping organizations make informed decisions that are more closely aligned with the needs and perspectives of their target audience.

Whether conducting research in a local community or studying a culture half a world away, an ethnographic research firm provides valuable insights and understanding to help organizations make informed decisions and drive success.

Ethnographic research is a qualitative research method used to understand the cultural and social practices of a particular group of people. It involves the study of a group’s behaviors, beliefs, and values through observation and direct interaction with its members. Ethnographic research is often used in anthropology, sociology, and other social sciences to gain insights into the ways that people live and interact with each other.

The goal of ethnographic research is to gain a deep understanding of a group’s culture and practices, rather than simply collecting data. Researchers often spend extended periods of time living among the group they are studying, immersing themselves in their way of life and observing their daily routines. This allows researchers to gain a more nuanced understanding of the group’s social and cultural practices and to identify patterns and trends that may not be immediately apparent.

Ethnographic research can be particularly useful in product design and marketing, as it provides insights into the needs and preferences of specific groups of people. By understanding the cultural context in which a product will be used, designers can create products that are more culturally sensitive and relevant to their intended users.

Consumer & Market Research Case Study Spotlight​

Creating a new business unit to position Intel into a service provider and not just a chip manufacturer.


A more premium, refreshing, and sustainable alternative to disposable water bottles.


A zero waste solution that provides healthy meals right to your dooorstep.

Experience more of our Consumer and Market Research Work​.

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